Now I move onto my Health & Safety Orientation Thursday night and start packing! Knowing that I have 55 days until I go makes me a bit nervous! But several of my friends spent the summer in London so they've been filling me in on things to do, places to visit, and cultural differences. My uncle is also doing to the same thing--and he'll be visiting me in February!
All of the kids in my program will be completing internships with various companies in London as well as taking a class on British Life and Culture and a Journalism Seminar. According to our program director (who addresses us as a group as "London interns"), CAPA has started working on placing us! We'll be hearing about internship interviews soon!
We also got our address for London but not our specific apartment number. I've already Google mapped the address and it looks like a cute area of town. It's in South Kensington and my friends tell me it's a fun area of town too! I'll find out soon enough!
Until next time,